Antoine is an experienced project manager who masters application challenges within an information system from its framing to its integration. He is used to managing and organizing one or several technical teams.
Multi-skilled, he has a very strong technical background as well as excellent analytic abilities and can easily adapt to deal with difficult issues and urgent situation
Covage is a telecom infrastructure operator focused on fiber networks. It deploys and operates FTTO and FTTH fiber networks on behalf of local authorities. SpikeeLabs provides comprehensive support from Salesforce CRM to Billing, including inventories and business applications. For more than two years, we have been drawing up their IS steering plan with them, we have been involved in the development of more than ten projects, and we maintain about twenty applications.
Unyc is a french national-wide BtoB telecom operator. It provides a range of telephony, collaboration and cloud services, directly and indirectly through white labels. SipkeeLabs was commissioned for 4 years on various IS projects: development and integration on the mobile entity in Python and PHP and also redesign of the billing system.